Category Archives: Season Allergies

Seasonal Pollen Allergies and How Atmosphere Sky Air Purifier Can Help Reduce Symptoms

Spring and summer are seasons of renewal and growth, but for many people, they are also seasons of sneezing, itching, and congestion. The reason for these symptoms is pollen, tiny grains that plants use to fertilize each other. Pollen is necessary for plant reproduction, but for people with seasonal pollen allergies, it can be a real nuisance. Fortunately, an Atmosphere Sky air purifier can help reduce the symptoms of seasonal pollen allergies.

What Are Seasonal Pollen Allergies?

Seasonal pollen allergies, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, are a common type of allergy that affects millions of people worldwide. They occur when your immune system overreacts to pollen, treating it as a harmful substance and triggering a series of symptoms, such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Congestion
  • Itchy eyes, nose, and throat
  • Watery eyes
  • Headaches

These symptoms can be mild or severe, depending on the level of exposure to pollen and individual sensitivity. Both of my kids are allergic to everything during all four seasons! While I can’t help them much when they are outdoors, this helps reduce the amount of pollutants within the house.

What Causes Seasonal Pollen Allergies?

Pollen allergies are caused by an overreaction of the immune system to pollen. The immune system identifies pollen as a foreign invader and produces antibodies to fight it off. This triggers the release of histamine, a chemical that causes inflammation and other allergy symptoms.

The severity of seasonal pollen allergies depends on the type of pollen, the amount of pollen in the air, and individual sensitivity. Some people are more sensitive to certain types of pollen than others, and their symptoms may vary depending on the time of day and weather conditions.

How Can an Atmosphere Sky Air Purifier Help?

An Atmosphere Sky air purifier is an innovative device designed to remove contaminants and allergens from the air, including pollen. It uses a three-stage filtration system to capture and eliminate airborne pollutants, such as:

  • Dust
  • Pet dander
  • Mold spores
  • Pollen
  • Smoke
  • VOCs (volatile organic compounds)

The three stages of filtration are:

  1. Pre-filter: This captures large particles like hair, dust, and pet dander.
  2. HEPA filter: This removes smaller particles such as pollen, mold spores, and bacteria.
  3. Activated carbon filter: This absorbs odors and gases.

The Atmosphere Sky air purifier can help reduce the amount of pollen in the air, making it easier for people with seasonal pollen allergies to breathe. By capturing pollen before it enters your lungs, the Atmosphere Sky air purifier can help reduce the severity of allergy symptoms, including sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes.

The Atmosphere Sky air purifier is also easy to use and maintain. Simply plug it in and let it do its job. The filters are easy to replace and last up to a year with regular use. The carbon filters are great at reducing odors in your house as well. We used one in the kitchen while cooking fish and it worked great for reducing the odor. Plus, the device is energy-efficient, using only 43 watts of electricity on its highest setting. We use these in our house and they are very quiet.


Seasonal pollen allergies can be a real nuisance, but with an Atmosphere Sky air purifier, you can reduce your exposure to pollen and alleviate your allergy symptoms. The three-stage filtration system captures and eliminates pollen and other airborne pollutants, making it easier for you to breathe and enjoy the beauty of nature. The device is easy to use and maintain, and its energy-efficient design makes it a great choice for anyone looking to improve their indoor air quality.

If you’re looking for an effective air purifier to help reduce your seasonal pollen allergies, consider the Atmosphere Sky air purifier from Amway. It’s a great investment in your health and wellbeing. Check it out at and start breathing easier today.