Milk and Nut free home

This is where it gets complicated. Both kids can’t have nuts and one can’t have milk. The other kid loves his milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. What do you do? I tried eliminating all milk from the house, but that wasn’t working out very well. So we have milk in the house but it has to be away from little sister. If my son gets a glass of chocolate milk, my daughter gets a glass of chocolate soy milk. They have to drink it at the table so that there is no confusion and cups go right in the sink after its gone (in theory). So far, so good. There hasn’t been a cup mix up yet. My daughter drinks an organic soy milk made from Westsoy.

The Westsoy brand does not contain carrageenan. I’d like to get her off the soy milk so my quest is to find and try a rice milk without sunflower oil and carrageenan. I’ll report on one once I’ve tried it.

My son loves his yogurt! So I had to find something similar for my daughter. There are several brands of soy yogurt on the market now that conatain cultured soy. They are actually pretty tasty. If my son, has to have a certain brand of yogurt, I just save his cup and let my daughter have her “yogurt” in his old cup so she doesn’t think he’s getting something different. I can put whatever I want in there, so when I’m out of soy yogurt, I use mashed up banana in soy milk. She just thinks she’s getting banana yogurt.

Here are a couple of brands of soy “yogurt” my daughter enjoys eating, Nancy’s Soy & Silk Soy.