What are some pre-packaged allergy-free snacks?

Our go-to pre-packaged allergy-free snacks are from Enjoy Life Brands and Made Good. They are both free of the top 8 allergens.

One of our favorite brands is Enjoy Life Foods. Enjoy Life Foods offers a variety of snacks free from the top 8 allergens, including nuts, soy, wheat, and dairy. Their products include chocolate, cookies, breakfast ovals, and seed and fruit mixes. Most major grocery outlets and Amazon.com will carry one or more of their products. If you are not familiar with them, check them out at enjoylifefoods.com.

Enjoy Life Chewy Bars Cocoa Loco

Another brand we enjoy is called Made Good. They are also available at most major grocery stores and Amazon.com. MadeGood snacks are free from the top 8 allergens and are made with whole grains and vegetables. Their products include granola bars, crispy squares, cookies, and mini bites.

Made Good Granola Bars